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Christie Spaces - Creating Inclusive Communities

How Christie Spaces transformed from just offering office spaces to inspiring a sense of community amongst its members.

Fusun Batey, National Brand Manager of the co-working space group Christie Spaces explains how the company transformed from just offering office spaces to inspiring a sense of community amongst its members.

I’d describe Christie Spaces as ‘a growing and inclusive community’ for businesses of every size. It wasn’t always this way. We were established in 1979 and earned our reputation as a highly successful conferencing and serviced office provider. In mid-2017, we recognised that people in business were increasingly searching for ways to connect on both personal and professional levels… the office environments we were providing needed to change.

So we came up with the perfect solution. We began transforming our existing commercial buildings in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, into state of the art, stylishly furbished co-working spaces. By focusing on creating inclusive communities right across the eastern seaboard of Australia, we’re now helping start-ups and businesses large and small to connect, engage and grow. As Christie Spaces’ National Brand Manager, it’s been exciting to watch how quickly this can happen once we facilitated the right environment.

Christie Spaces

Keen for change

Within each building there are some floors of traditional workspaces, some that are 100% co-working and others that are conferencing. We understand people’s needs are different, which is why we offer solutions to meet their ways of working.Some members working in the traditional spaces observe the sense of community evolving in co-working spaces, and are keen to make the move – even if they didn’t like the idea of doing so before. Others feel more comfortable in a traditional office space. It’s a matter of taste for our wide array of different members.

Co-working is a great way for people to share ideas and build connections. I really enjoy watching people from different businesses or different floors having lunch onsite, or getting to know each other at the regular events we host.

Many of our new members come via referral from existing members who love coming to work here, and our partners, who recognise our unique offering. In return for their referrals, we thank them via a generous referral rewards program.

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