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Government agencies and eligible organisations (including schools and not-for-profits) in Queensland can purchase print and imaging technology under the PIaaS Standing Offer Arrangement (‘Panel’).

Queensland Government Approved

Buying from Canon through the panel provides access to the most competitive pricing, and the knowledge that you’re buying from vendors who have been approved by the Queensland Government’s ICT procurement team.

Benefits of PIaaS

From one device, to large fleets on a fully managed service
Choice of Supplier Owned (Opex) or Customer Owned (Capex)
No volume commitments
36, 48 or 60-month terms
Print Management solutions on-premise or cloud-hosted in Australia
Consumable recycling program
One invoice per month
Detailed quarterly reporting including fleet review, usage and service KPIs
Buy-back options of existing print devices

How do I purchase from Canon under PIaaS?
You can contact Canon and we will guide you through the following process. Email us or phone the team: 0407 407 035 (Gerry) or 0403 343 277 (John).
  • Form

    1. Discovery Assessment Request

    The Discovery Assessment Request (DAR) outlines your requirements for the products and services needed.

  • Receipt

    2. Customer Requirements Report

    The Customer Requirements Report (CRR) is the supplier’s response to the customers DAR. This document is designed to provide clear understanding of the products and services being offered. It also shows both purchasing methods, the term and pricing Supplier Owned or Customer Owned solutions.

  • Gift

    3. Contract Preparation

    Canon can then support contract preparation with the Queensland Government QITC Contract framework.

Get a Discovery Assessment Request (DAR) for your school/organisation
Fill out the form below and a Canon Education specialist will be in touch to help with your Discovery Assessment Request (DAR).
Where can I get more information?
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    Speak to a Canon QLD Government specialist

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    Call us

    Call 0407 407 035 or 0403 343 277

    From within Australia

    (8am to 5pm (AEST), Monday – Friday)