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MX870 series User Manual (Windows)

Content Id: 0300321301



This manual describes instructions such as how to use the driver and application software.

Update History

- Along with the MP Navigator EX Ver. 3.12 specifications change, the maximum file size of the PDF file which can be created using MP Navigator EX has been changed.

- The description regarding the amount of the remaining ink has been modified.

Setup Instructions

Download / Installation Procedures
1. Click the link, select [ Save ], specify "Save As", then click [ Save ] to download the file.
Memo :
If you select [ Run ] ( or [ Open ] ) instead of [ Save ], the file will be automatically installed after it is saved.
2. The downloaded file will be saved in the specified place in the self-extracting form ( .exe format ).
3. Double-click the downloaded EXE file to decompress it, then installation will start automatically.

File information

File Name : mx870sosmwin130en.exe
File Type : MA
File Size : 17712536KB